Sunday, September 24, 2006

water certainly does the job

katie and i found ourselves at the driftwood room tonight. it's the bar in keith's hotel - the hotel deluxe (much too hip for me, i only feel comfortable there because keith greets us at the door. if only i had stayed with that independent film gig from high school, i may actually appreciate how each floor is designed after a specific director). if the doug fir lounge decided to get dressed up for a night on the town, it would be the driftwood room. katie and i made ourselves at home in our long sleeved t-shirts amongst portland's up and coming and had a conversation so honest that we found ourselves drinking our water as if it were whiskey. it certainly would do the job right, wouldn't it?

the week waits for us. Lord, let us be more patient this time around, teach us to trust. sunday nights have notoriously been difficult for this reason.

my grandfather died twenty-two years ago today. my mom was giving me a bath when we got the phone call. she left me in the lukewarm water and i stared at the closed bathroom door, waiting for her to come back. we had a full length mirror on the back of the door, and i can still remember staring at myself, waiting for the door to open, for mom to come back. i had no idea that in that moment, the baratta heritage was shifting one generation. pop pop is gone.

the newly acquired ipod brings a whole new dimension to life. i recently downloaded a song from ruthie's collection - it's from motorcycle diaries. listening to it reminds me of guevara's compassion for the people of northern south america. and this brings to light my own startling lack of compassion. i feel like i actually cared for people in college. but now, it's all about me: my life, my job, my husband, my house, my dog, my friends. God, give me compassion for others, not looking through them, but seeing them truly.


At 1:19 PM , Blogger ruthie said...

When TQ and I were at Crater Lake, we'd get out at a lookout, leave the windows down and play that song. It was quiet and erie, looking down at the deep blue with the haze of the forest fire behind it and that song just seemed appropriate. I have lots more good stuff I need to share with you.


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