Saturday, June 07, 2008

I knew what I was signing up for ...

it's...let's see, JUNE 7TH, and we have a fire in the fireplace. yes, for ambiance - but also because we need it. because it's cold outside and the sky is a monochramatic grey. because i'm still wearing sweaters and show no signs of stopping anytime soon. because there's an extra blanket on the bed. because we live in breathtakingly beautiful oregon, but oh do we pay for it. and the thing is - last summer took away any trust we had in reliable northwest summers. remember that august when the thermostat bearly made it over 65 and the sun never came around? yeah. peter just told me that we have had exactly ten clear days during all of 2008. we're into the second half of the year, and only 5.3% of our days have been without clouds.


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