Sunday, January 07, 2007

a running tally

settled. that's what we're striving for. let's knock off all the other new year's hype filled resolutions (except for sushi on a conveyor belt) and let's shoot for simply being settled this year. settled with our jobs (no matter how stress-inducing), settled with our friends (or lack thereof), settled with our hearts (don't worry how how long it may have been gone). happy with who we are, knowing God made us and was PLEASED when He was done.

we were anticipating snow this weekend. come sunday evening and the air is still and the temperature approaches 45 or something comparable (no overcoat necessary for a walk to the store). no snow for the willamette valley. peter and i were talking about that magical feeling when you're lying in bed and mom comes in and says "jessica - no school today - it snowed last night". and you wake up, bare feet planted on the mattress, and peer through the window. each time, it does something inside - to see your world transformed in white. covering all the blemishes and impurities. if we were to raise any children in portland, i doubt they would ever know the wonder that. chalk another point up for moving east of those cascades.


At 4:38 PM , Blogger TQ said...

oh, that feeling...the chance to go back to sleep and dream of sledding later in the day. look at drock's page for some sledding pix (you can get there from my blog). And you got your snow wish later in the week.
Love the title.
and I love you.
signed: TikkiBobay


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