Friday, April 27, 2007

A Minute-by-Minute Glance at Tuesday, April 24.

11:58 AM - Eat another stale tortilla chip. By my count, they're at least four weeks old.

11:59 AM - Think a lot about the word "buttress". This is actually a work-related thought.

1:33 PM - Despite a lunch of free pizza and crossword puzzles and a brief foray into Powell's, I'm still thinking about buttresses.

2:29 PM - Finish reading an article about "Bucolic Blacksburg, Virginia". Realized that I'm trying to forge some sort of connection to that university town, even though I didn't go to school there. Didn’t even consider it. My memories there mainly consist of regional cross country invitationals, late high-school shows in decrepit second floor apartments, a place to stop and get gas before continuing on over the New River to West Virginia and beyond - toward my own school in Ohio. I identify this need to hold on to something tightly, even if the only thing real connection I have with the situation is that I lived on the same wrinkle on the map as Virginia Tech.

2:55 PM - Talk to Peter. He's in Miami Beach where it's a sunny 80 degrees, whereas it's a rainy 55 here.

3:20 PM - My coworker is saying "Ja" on the phone rather than "Yes". This is driving me nuts.

3:59 PM - Think about how dogs apparently wag their tails to the right when they're pleased, and to the left when they're displeased (or so says the Oregonian). But this is confusing to me, because I didn't think dogs wagged their tails when they weren't happy? Please advise.


At 5:23 PM , Blogger TQ said...

wait, I'm missing some minutes here...could you please fill in the missing seconds, minutes, and hours to Tuesday, April 24th?


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